Opportunity to Serve on KiloWatt for Humanity Board
KiloWatt for Humanity (KWH), an all-volunteer non profit based in Seattle, has openings for new Board members.
KWH’s mission is to improve people’s lives by providing access to electricity and fostering the development of sustainable businesses, with a focus on programs in Zambia. A great KWH Board member demonstrates leadership, integrity, and responsibility, and has experience in international development, all attributes of RPCVs.
Full job description is available at https://www.kilowattsforhumanity.org/board-member-job-opening.
If you have any questions please contact Mike Buffo at mike@kilowattsforhumanity.org.
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the following guidelines:
- SEAPAX job listings may not be used to sell anything or promote services that charge fees, including employment placement or job-finding services.
- Posts must be free of defamatory, offensive, illegal, or derogatory content.
- Employers and posts may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, marital status, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or disability.
- All postings must include application instructions.
- Personal services and/or self-employment opportunities are not allowed.