Q: How do I get on the SEAPAX mailing list?
A: Sign up through our website. You will be directed to the NCPA page, where you need select SEAPAX as your affiliated group.
Q: How do I get something published in the monthly newsletter or posted on FB?
A: Newsworthy items and events can be submitted for publication in our newsletter by completing this form. Our free, monthly newsletter includes events such as potlucks, hikes and picnics; community news; and career and volunteering opportunities. The Communications Chair/Newsletter Editor gets final say in what gets published. Questions, please reach out to info@seapax.org. We recommend that items are submitted at least one week before the first of the month to be included in the next newsletter.
You can also post directly to our private Facebook Group (not to be confused with our Facebook Page, which is public), provided you are a member of SEAPAX.
Q: How can I find or share local housing, roommates, jobs, etc.?
A: Check out our Facebook Group for more info. You can also check out our jobs page to learn more. Please no spam or commercial ventures.
Q: What is the difference between a member and contributing member?
A: In 2016 the SEAPAX board voted to move towards a “public radio model” instead of requiring annual membership dues. We wanted to ensure everyone could enjoy SEAPAX’s many offerings regardless of ability to pay. Donations are always welcome! Anyone who joins our list (via NPCA, make sure to choose SEAPAX as your affiliate group) is considered a MEMBER. Members who choose to contribute financially are considered CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS. Membership is not limited to RPCVs.
Q: Do I have to renew my membership every year?
A: No, SEAXPAX membership is free and does not expire.
Q: How does the Grants program work?
A: SEAPAX offers small grants to community-based projects both in the Seattle area and countries around the world. The Grants Committee meets quarterly to review grant submissions. Check out the grant guidelines for more information. The majority of grant funding comes from calendar sales. Click here for our past grantees. We also now do Top Up, a matching program to encourage and support members who are investing back into the community.
Q: Where can I buy a calendar, notecards or other SEAPAX/Peace Corps items?
A: We sell Peace Corps international calendars through the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in Madison, Wisconsin. Calendar and notecard proceeds directly support our Grants programs. We sell them at events, board meetings and hopefully through our website soon. Calendar questions or requests, please email info@seapax.org.
Q: What is the difference between the Facebook Group and Facebook Page? Any other other social media presence?
A: Our Facebook Group is private and allows members to share news and events. The Facebook Page allows non-admins to post but shuffles it off to the side so we created a Facebook Group.
Q: How can I join or make a SEAPAX discussion board group?
A: Please see our Stay Updated Page for general information. To join a group you must first login. If you have questions or would like to create a group, please reach out to our Membership Chair.
Q: How can I post my own SEAPAX or Peace Corps related event?
A: Please see our event posting guidelines. SEAPAX is not responsible for promotion or participation. Please contact us with questions.
Q: I’m curious about joining the board or a board committee. Where can I find more information?
A: For specific committees, email the board committee chair to see how you can get involved. The SEAPAX Board meets every other month (usually the first Sunday morning). All board meetings are open to the community. Check out our board page for more info.
Q: What is the relationship between SEAPAX, the NPCA and the Peace Corps?
A: Established in 1961, the Peace Corps is an executive agency of the United States government. Peace Corps Volunteers serve for two years abroad, offering technical assistance and promoting cultural exchange and understanding. The National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is a domestic nonprofit organization that encourages lifelong practice of Peace Corps ideals, advocates to support and improve the Peace Corps and supports affiliate groups like SEAPAX. SEAPAX is a group that has served the Peace Corps community in the Greater Puget Sound region since its founding in 1977 and has been a member group of NPCA since 1983. For more history, check out our website.
Q: I have feedback. I have a great idea. I have questions. I just need someone to explain the Seattle Freeze. Who can I contact?
A: You can always reach a friendly SEAPAX board member at info@seapax.org. We look forward to hearing from you!
Join SEAPAX to stay connected and support Peace Corps community initiatives!