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Board Positions and Elections

Elected Board Positions

Elected Board Positions

We have 10 elected Board positions which form the core of our leadership group.  These positions are all one-year terms that come with Board-associated voting rights.  Terms run from January 1st through December 31st.

Elections for these positions are held between September and October. If you would like to run or nominate someone for an elected position, please email with the nominee’s name, country and years of Peace Corps service, position of interest, and a brief biography of the nominee (examples of biographies can be found here) at least one week before the beginning of the elections.  Election results will be announced at the end of October/beginning of November.

President: Directs overall leadership strategy for the Board and ensures adherence to by-laws and organizational policies. Leads board meetings, performs outreach and recruitment, and supports Board and Committee leadership as needed. Chairs the Executive Committee.

Vice President: Collaborates with the President in facilitating Board meetings, supporting Committees and performing outreach and recruitment.  In absence of the President, serves as President.  Is a member of the Executive Committee.

Secretary: Responsible for writing and/or keeping all written records as required by law and/or for the operations of the organization, including, but not limited to: meeting agendas and minutes; official documents and correspondence of, or related to, the organization. The Secretary maintains records of SEAPAX activities for each year, and writes an annual organizational report. Is a member of the Executive Committee. 

Treasurer: Responsible for the financial affairs and accounting of the organization, including but not limited to: collecting and depositing contributions and funds raised through SEAPAX activities; disbursement of funds; serving as a signatory for the organization; creating a proposed budget for the upcoming year; and maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records. The Treasurer will submit at least quarterly financial reports to the Board and prepare an annual financial report to be shared with Membership.  The Treasurer will serve as or work with the Registered Agent to prepare and submit annual reports required by state and federal government agencies. Is a member of the Executive Committee. This position requires special on-boarding in December of the year prior to term.

Directors-At-Large (up to 6): DALs are grouped into two different categories: Service (DAL-Service) and Events (DAL-Events).  Following Board elections, DAL-Service and DAL-Events will be assigned to one or more of the Service or Events Committees.  DALs will participate on their assigned committees and will assist Committee Chairs as needed, which may include any of the following:

  • Help recruit committee members
  • Help organize committee meetings
  • Help compose social media blurbs
  • Help perform program-specific duties
  • Help communicate committee/program activities to the full Board
  • Help recruit a new Chair when needed and help with their onboarding
  • Provide assigned committee(s) with a representative vote on the Board
  • In the absence of a Committee Chair, the assigned DAL will fill-in as an “Acting Chair” until a new Chair has been installed. 
          DALs are also expected to participate on the Executive Committee.  The Board may also ask DALs to lead special projects or temporary ad hoc committees, and to serve on         
          Administrative Committees when needed.
  • The Board can have up to three DAL-Service and three DAL-Events at any given time.

One elected Board member will be asked to volunteer or will be nominated to Chair a Fundraising Committee.  “Fundraising” in our context includes ensuring financial viability for both annual administrative expenses and targeted programs (advocacy, small grants, events). The Fundraising Committee will work together to plan and execute strategies for meeting the annual budget.  

Non-Elected Board Positions

We have a number of different non-elected Board positions.  These positions do not come with Board-associated voting rights, but are critical for carrying out many of our organizational functions.

Types of non-elected positions include:

  • Chair: Responsible for leading committees that oversee SEAPAX programs and functions.  Examples include Advocacy, Communication, Community Service, and Grant Chairs
  • Coordinators/“Other”: Responsible for carrying out SEAPAX activities, but are not tasked with leading a committee.  Examples include Happy Hour Coordinator, Book Club
  • Coordinator, Webmaster, and Newsletter Editor.  “Other” titles are created and used in special situations to better define a particular position.
  • We advertise for these positions whenever they become open and generally ask individuals to commit at least one year to serving in any of these roles.

General Expectations of Board Members

  • Behave in a professional manner and treat other Board members, SEAPAX members, and others with respect at all times. 
          Failure to do so could result in the removal from the Board.  
  • Read and certify in writing that you are familiar with and will uphold the SEAPAX Conflict of Interest Policy governing relationships between SEAPAX and all outside organizations. 
         This is required before joining the Board.
  • Attend at least 5 of 6 Board meetings per year, including the Annual Retreat in November.
  • Commit at least 1 year to serving on the Board.
  • Be a SEAPAX member.
  • Read the SEAPAX Board Manual.
  • Attend SEAPAX events.

If you have any questions about any of these positions or about serving on our board, please email us at